

Fantasy books, sci-fi series, animations, fairy tale creatures, horror, comic book characters and children’s imaginative superpowers – something fantastical is in the air! The possibility of something supernatural is common for both fantasy culture and toys inspired by fantasy: a wardrobe leads to an imaginary world, an ordinary boy obtains the powers of a wizard and seeds grow into a wild jungle overnight. It’s fun to play with the thought: What if my imagination becomes reality and I can do anything?

Fantasy and sci-fi characters are often utilized in other media and products. Comics are turned into films, games into toys, TV series into novels – and all of them give rise to toy series and trading cards. Fantasy toys are not only playthings for children but widely collected by adults as well. A toy figure from a favourite children’s movie can inspire a child to play, but is not prerequisite for imaginative play. In a child’s mind a Ken doll easily turns into Kristoff and a curtain into a magic cape.

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